Ted Seastrom
Becoming a Private Pilot
Back in the day a private pilot certificate was accessible to just about anybody with a decent job and a desire to fly. However times have changed.
Now flying is limited to those with money or willing to make major financial sacrifices. The increased complexity of aircraft avionics and FAA regulations adds to the challenge.
Training with the military is an option and has always been the gold standard for those seeking a career in aviation. But for most it's too big a commitment.
The route most private pilots take is to train with a private flight school. To go more in depth you can download a free copy of a book I wrote, "Learning to Fly an Airplane: Insider information from a student perspective." Some parts are outdated. Read it only for an overview of general aviation student pilot training.
For information about my aviation journey click here.
If you really want to take a deep dive, check out the FAA's "Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge."
And if you really want to do it right, check out Embry-Riddle, the very best in aeronautical education.
"High Flight," John Gillespie Magee. Link to aviation's most famous poem here.